

Visiting Speaker


Visiting speaker Francis Moloney speaks from Matthew 7: 15-29 on how fruitfulness is one of the keys to being a disciple of Jesus: as we anchor ourselves in Jesus, how are our lives fruitful? Are we obeying God by putting his words into practice? In what areas do we need to grow in fruitfulness?




Solid ground instead of sinking sand

Visiting Speaker


Simon Guillebaud speaks from Matthew 7:24-29 on being ground on solid ground. He shares stories of faith from his time ministering in Burundi.


Compassion Sunday – Matthew 2:1-11

Visiting Speaker


James Waddell shares about the work of Compasssion UK



Baptism Service am – 1 Peter 1:17 – 2:5 – Archbishop of Canterbury

Visiting Speaker


Resurrection Boldness – 1 Peter1:1-20 (am) John Dunnett

Visiting Speaker


John continues our series looking at resurrection life.  He focuses in on our life as exciles in a secular world.  He looks at the hope the resurrection gives us while walking through the struggles of daily life.  John concludes with a challenge that resurection boldness is about practicing Christlikeness

Bishop Andrew – Baptism and Confirmation service

Visiting Speaker


Bishop Andrews encourages our candidates, and the rest of us, that through baptism we are standing together with Jesus and he is standing with us.

Strange Christmas – Krish Kandiah – John 1:1-14

Visiting Speaker


Krish Kandiah challenges us to further understand God’s love for us by how He has adopted us into His family, how Jesus is the light of the world and the way to be part of God’s family and how we can share this love with others.

Tough Questions – Will van der Hart – Looking at Mental Health

Visiting Speaker


In the next in our occasional series “Tough Questions” Will van der Hart (founder of the Mind and Soul Foundation) tackles the issue of mental health.

School of Theology Live – Rob Merchant

Visiting Speaker


Following on from the streamed series earlier in the year we welcome Rev. Rob Merchant who will speak on the subject of:

“Ageing and the end of life”

Share the Story – Who do we tell? – 2 Kings 5:1-19 & 1 Thess 2:8

Visiting Speaker


As part of our youth service James Pickin from Tear Fund encourages us to look at the opportunities that we have in our day to day life to share our stories of what God has done for us