Trusting in God’s Grace
David Morgan
Romans 11:1-10
Does God reject those who reject him? Paul gives a resounding ‘no’! He refers to Elijah, who declared to God “I am the only one left” (vs3) and yet God reserved seven thousand faithful, who had not worshipped Baal. This is grace. Paul tells us that there is a remnant chosen by grace (vs5), from which God will bring salvation. But for those whose hearts are hardened, they will not see the truth of who God is and his saving grace (vs8-10).
Habbakkuk (faithfulness)
David Morgan
David speaks on faithfulness from Habakkuk. Habakkuk commits his problem to God and chooses to trust in God. As a result, the Babylonians were punished for their wickedness and Habakkuk praises God.