This Is Church

Grow the Kingdom

Dan Bright


Dan Bright rounds off our series on what it looks like to be church in this unprecedented time. He challenges us with the call to be people who demonstrate the Kingdom of God through our actions, drawing people to God. He speaks on 1 Peter 2: 11 – 17 & 1 Peter 3: 15b – 22

Grow in Faith

David Walker


David Walker calls us to turn and face Jesus as he explores what it looks like for each of us to grow in faith in this season. He speaks from 1 Peter 1: 13-22 plus 2: 1-3.

Gather to Serve

John Freeman


John Freeman continues our series looking at what it means to be church in this new season. He explores our call to discover and use our unique God given gifts to love our town. He speaks from 1 Peter 4: 8-11.

Gather as believers

David Walker


As we begin a new term of church under Covid-19 conditions, David Walker explores how we can be church scattered across our town in this season. He speaks from 1 Peter 1:1 & 1 Peter 2:4-10.

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