Rediscovering The Way

Generous Community

Lorraine Briffitt


Generosity is not just about giving money, but about giving all of our lives away to God for the benefit of others. Lorraine unpacks the joys and challenges of living as a generous community.

Spirit Led Community

John Freeman


On Pentecost Sunday John Freeman reminds us of the power of being filled afresh with the Spirit. He speaks on Acts 2: 1-13

Empowering Community

John Hudson


At a time of change and uncertainty how we respond as a community of believers is crucially important. John Hudson unpacks three ways to respond to a time of change, as he speaks today from Act 6:1-7

Growing Community

Annie Willmot


The church in Acts grew and grew with new people becoming part of their community all the time. So what was it about their community that caused it to grow, and what can we learn from this today. Annie Willmot speaks from Acts 11:19-30

Kingdom Community

Alyssa Carey


The apostles spoke about the kingdom of God but they also demonstrated signs of the kingdom. We are called to do the same. Alyssa Carey speaks on what it looks like to demonstrate signs and wonders today. Speaking from Acts 5: 12-16

Prayerful Community

John Hudson


What happens when we all pray constantly as a community? David Walker explores the variety of ways we are called to pray and the call on us as a church to pray right now. He speaks from Acts 4:23-31

Missional Community

John Freeman


We begin a new series looking at the purpose and mission of the church is. John Freeman looks today at the church’s outward focus to live the call of Jesus to make disciples. He speaks from Acts 10:34-48

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