A series exploring the story of Ruth in the Old Testament.
Playing our part
Lorraine Briffitt
As we end the series exploring the Old Testament book of Ruth, Lorraine unpacks the part played by each of the characters in the story and encourages us to play our part in the story of God’s Kingdom on earth. Lorraine speaks from Ruth 4: 9-17.
Letting go of control
John Freeman
So often, the everyday ordinariness of our lives seem undramatic, but that doesn’t mean that they are unimportant. This week, John explores how God can use our lives to weave together a greater and better story. He speaks from Ruth 3:1-18.
Stay where you are
Joy Atkins
We can so easily look ahead to the future, to the bigger and better and miss the blessing we are given in the here and now. This week Joy Atkins helps us to understand the blessing God has given us in this time and to rest in the here and the now, even if it is hard work. She preaches from Ruth 2:19-23.
John Hudson
Who are you working for? An easy question to answer, but what if we are working for the wrong purpose? This week John Hudson explores how the story of Ruth in the Old Testament gives us a reason to work for God. He speaks from Ruth 2: 1-12
Love in action
Annie Willmot
Even if we think of our lives as completely ordinary, we have the power to change the world person by person as we understand the extravagant nature of God’s love. Annie explores love in the story of Ruth as we begin a 5 week series exploring the book.
She speaks from Ruth chapter 1.