Looking Like Christ

A series examining the Beatitudes

The Beatitudes – Blessed are the Persecuted – Matt 5:10-12 & 1 Peter 4:12-19

David Walker


The Beatitudes – Blessed are the Peacemakers – Matt. 5: 6 & 9 and Colossians 1:19-23

John Hudson


John continues our series on the Beatitudes looking at blessed are those who hunger & thirst for righteousness and blessed are the peacemakers.  He encourages us that we are part of God’s plan to bring righteousness on earth.  He points out that we should be peace bringers to those in our direct circle of influence.  He also challenges us that if we do not know the peace of knowing Jesus.  The gift of his peace then we need to turn to God and come to him.

Blessed are the Meek – Matt 5:5-8 & Psalm 51:10-17

Sarah Jones


Sarah continues our series looking at the Beatitudes.  She challenges us that we need to be involved in daily heartwork and that our starting place is recognising that we do not have pure hearts.

The Beatitudes – Blessed are those who mourn – Matt. 5:4 & 7 and Isaiah 61:1 – 4 (am service)

Annie Willmot


Annie Willmot continues our series on the Beatitudes looking at those who mourn and those who are merciful.

The Beatitudes – Blessed are those who mourn – Matt. 5:4 & 7 and Isaiah 61:1 – 4 (pm service)

David Walker

David continues our series looking at the Beatitudes.  He reminds us of the challenges that face both those who are mourning and how we should respond and support them.

The Beatitudes – Blessed are the poor in spirit – Matt. 5:1 – 3 & Deut. 8:10 – 18

Dan Bright


Dan introduces our series looking at the Beatitudes.  He reminds us that without Christ we are all poor in spirit and that we should come as we are to Jesus who wants to show us the Kingdom of Heaven.  He points out that the Beatitudes are attributes of the whole church, unlike spiritual gifts which are individual.

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