Generosity of God

Generosity in Hope

John Freeman


John concludes our sermon series, on his last Sunday at Greyfriars & New Hope, sharing of the hope of God’s kingdom coming to Earth from Revelation 21:1-5.


Generosity in Community

David Walker


David Walker speaks from Hebrews 10: 19-25 on the importance of gathering together in community to draw near to God. Together, we spur each other on to fix our eyes on Jesus and we encourage one another.

Generosity in the Spirit

David Walker


Speaking from John 14:15-27, David shares of God’s generous gift to us – the Holy Spirit, who lives and works through us.

Generosity in Blessing

Tom Pollard


Speaking from Ephesians 1, Tom shares on how the blessings we have received from God are not measured or scarce, but abundant.


Generosity in Security

John Freeman


Speaking from Romans 8:31-39, John shares of the promise of security that Jesus provides us.


Generosity in Salvation

Natalie Worsfold


Sharing from Ephesians 2:1-10, Natalie shows us that this passage, which starts by speaking about death and sin, pivots in verse four around the simple word ‘but.’ From there onwards it shows us the generosity of God’s saving grace, and reminds us that it is Jesus alone who has the authority to free us from all that binds up our lives.

Out of God’s great love and generosity for us, He sent Jesus to unlock our salvation. This is in order that, by His grace, we might be free to be God’s handiwork on the earth, ready and able to do the good works that He has prepared us for.

What is he freeing you for?


Generosity in Abundance

David Walker


Speaking from Luke 12:22-34, David shares in how we needn’t worry and instead, trust in God.


Generosity in Jesus

Sam Brown


Sam shares of the Generosity in Jesus from John 3:16.



Generosity through Despair

John Freeman


John speaks from Jeremiah 32:1-15 on the hope of Jesus through despair.

Generosity in the Law

David Walker


As readers in 21st-century England, we can often be confused and conflicted about what to do with the Law that we find in the pages of scripture. From Psalm 19, David shares how we can rejoice and receive the Law as a gift from God.


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