
Greyfriars has been appointed as one of the Resourcing Hubs in the Diocese of Oxford. This role encourages us to act generously and humbly in resourcing the wider church in Reading and beyond. 

Here you can read about what we are doing and how you can be part of it.

The first missional community sent out from Greyfriars was New Hope which began in 2002, reaching out to the housing estates south of the river Thames. A second church plant was sent out in 2011 to St Matthew’s Southcote, under the leadership of Revd Pads Dolphin and a team from Greyfriars. Most recently, in 2018, a church graft was formed in partnership between The Parish of Caversham Thameside and Mapledurham and Greyfriars – two churches of different traditions. This partnership saw a number of people from Greyfriars joining with the existing congregation of St John’s Caversham, led by Revd Penny Cuthbert. 

In each case, Greyfriars has sought to grow the missional life of the wider church by resourcing church plants with people, financial assistance and support for children and youth ministry, seeking to grow the kingdom of God beyond the walls of Greyfriars itself. This vision for resourcing sits firmly within the wider vision for Greyfriars Church.

Our latest partnership is with the parish in Whitley, where we have been asked to help resource the mission of this strategically important part of Reading. Nick Hill has been appointed as the new vicar at Reading Gateway Church and would love to hear from you if you sense a call to support and get involved in the mission in South Reading. To hear more or to get involved, please email

Get involved

If you would like to be part of resourcing the wider church in Reading then we would love to speak. Have a look at these ways to be part of it, and see where God might be calling you.

As a key part of Greyfriars’ vision to resource the wider church, we work with the Church of England, under the leadership of the Bishop of Reading, to partner with churches and seek growth in God’s kingdom.

If you want to connect with what is happening in at Reading Gateway Church sign up to their email here.

By invitation, Greyfriars supports local churches in the Reading area with worship, children, youth, teaching and preaching resources. We have  supported St Mary’s Purley, Minster Church Reading, Holy Trinity Theale, St Matthew’s Southcote, St Peter’s Earley, St Barnabas Emmer Green and St John’s Caversham. 

As part of this vision, Greyfriars trains and releases curates, ordinands and interns to lead ministries in the Reading area and beyond. We also seek to offer our church site to host training events for the Reading Area, the Diocese of Oxford and beyond. 

Transform Reading is a unity movement in our town that seeks to grow mission and ministry across churches and denominations. Through this network, we engage in prayer and mission initiatives and seek to resource the wider church in Reading. 

Greyfriars resources a wide variety of Christian organisations in Reading, through financial and volunteer support. As we look forward to the new redeveloped site, we have planned to provide office space for partner organisations to be based at Greyfriars (in Sackville Street) as part of us resourcing the wider church.