Welcome to the Greyfriars Kids Ministry page!
Children are a vital part of our church family and we would love to welcome you and your family to our services on Sundays.
Children are welcome in any of our services, but the 9.30am service is the most ‘child-friendly’, and has groups for children from 18 months. If you and your child need some space out of the service, please do feel free to make use of the Atrium around the church sanctuary, where there is comfortable seating, access to refreshments, and a children’s play area. The service is live- streamed into this area.
On the first Sunday of each month, there are no kids’ groups because all ages worship together in church at 9.30am for our ‘All In’ services.
All aspects of the service are planned for a range of ages and needs, and it aims to run for an hour at the most.
Kids’ Groups
For the remaining Sundays of each month, we have a variety of Kids’ Groups. No need to pre- book, just turn up, we would love to see you! When you bring your child to the group, we will ask you to fill out a quick Registration/Consent Form before leaving your child in our care. These are available from the Reception desk in the Atrium, where someone should be able to give you more information, or in the individual groups.
We offer the children a drink and biscuit, so please do let us know about any allergies.
We all start together in the 9.30am service for a short time of worship, the children are then invited to go to their groups.
Scramblers in the Greyfriars Nursery
We have three Scramblers groups for children from about 18 months (or when they are ready to be left in a group without you) up to age 5, based in the Greyfriars Nursery next door. To get there, follow through the back of the Atrium, through the Nursery car park into the Nursery building next door.
Scramblers 2: for children from about 18 months (or when your child is happily settled without you!) up to age 3 (born 2022 onwards). This group is on the first floor, in a room designed for babies and toddlers, with singing, colouring, stories and play.
Scramblers 3: for children aged 3 to 4 years. We meet in the first large pre-school room downstairs in the Nursery, for singing, stories, craft, play and prayer.
Scramblers 4: for children aged 4 to 5 years. We meet in the far room downstairs in the Nursery, for singing, stories, craft, play and prayer.
Trekkers in the Greyfriars Centre
We have three groups for children aged 6-11 years, (school years 1-6) in the Greyfriars Centre. Follow through the link corridor at the front of the Atrium, down towards the Centre.
Trekkers Years 1&2: We meet in the Kennet room (first floor) for games, worship, quizzes, stories, craft activities and prayer.
Trekkers Years 3&4 and Years 5&6: We start together on the ground floor where the children can choose to colouring, play with Lego, to play board games, or join soft football and other group games.
We then split into two smaller groups until the end of the session for discussion, stories, quizzes, craft activities and prayer. Y3&4 will be in Loddon on the first floor, and Y4&5 meet in Holybrook on the second floor.
Please do talk to the room leader, or email the Children’s Pastor (Heather Harper: heather.harper@greyfriars.org.uk) if your child has any additional needs, or if you have any other questions or concerns so that we can ensure they have a positive experience with us.
We look forward to meeting you and your child!
Heather and team.