
We have a generous God! Everything we have comes from Him, and we recognise that our giving is an act of worship.

The best way to give regularly is to set up a Direct Debit through the Parish Giving Scheme by clicking here. The Parish Giving Scheme is approved by the Church of England and is an easy way to manage your giving and Gift Aid declaration.

We therefore encourage you to give as generously as you can to support the ministry and mission of Greyfriars and New Hope. God loves a cheerful giver (2 Corinthians 9:7).

Our vision is ‘to see Reading transformed by the love and power of Jesus’. To fulfil this vision we invest in discipleship, pastoral care, leading worship, evangelism, social outreach, resourcing the wider church and more! Our planned expenditure for this year is shown in the chart below:

Thanks to your generosity, most of our income comes from giving. In order to meet our planned expenditure, we will need everyone at Greyfriars and New Hope giving on a regular basis.

There are two ways in which you can give to Greyfriars and New Hope:

We encourage all our members to give regularly by setting up a Direct Debit through the Parish Giving Scheme – click here. The Parish Giving Scheme is approved by the Church of England and is an easy way to manage your giving and Gift Aid declaration.

For a one off gift, you can use the online form below (or make a transfer to Greyfriars Church bank account: 00020092 Sort Code: 30-96-96.)