
If you are visiting this page because you have recently or sometime ago lost a loved one, we offer our heartfelt condolences.

Grief can be a very sad, lonely and difficult time, sometimes it can be hard to know where to find comfort and help. Here you can find the ways we at Greyfriars and New Hope, offer to love and support you.

Side by Side

For anyone who has been bereaved, either recently or some time ago, we welcome you to a warm, loving, non-judgemental space, to reflect and share with others ‘side by side’, strengthening, encouraging and supporting each other over tea, coffee and cake.

Join us for informal Saturday mornings in the Southlake Lounge (top floor of Greyfriars Centre) at 10:30-11:30AM, on 30th November, 14th December and going into 2025, the last Saturday of each month.

Contact us

If you would like to enquire about future Bereavement Journey course dates or anything else related to grief please email Nigel and Lizzie via

Click the below link to watch a talk given by Sharon Dirckx, on “Where is God when it Hurts”:

Where is God When it Hurts (Sharon Dirckx)